2012年12月27日 星期四

Christmas Eve 2012

今年的聖誕夜,為聖誕老公公在這晚的來訪,準備的有:花生餅乾,麥片餅乾,全麥巧克力餅乾。脫脂牛奶一杯。還有新鮮的紅蘿蔔條給馴鹿們。平安夜裡,祝   安~~

2 則留言:

  1. 好久沒看到妳了!

  2. Martin! I am so happy to see your visit! Belated "Merry Christmas" to you, too! Sorry, I have been kind of busy with the household and the kids, but I have already think of you and my blog friends, I visit your blog sometimes, love all the sweet treats you have been making! And I think you are very creative! New Year is coming, "Happy New Year" to you!~~~
