2011年9月27日 星期二

Home made全麥法國土司




土司用途真多! 如果在做的材料上多用一點心一家人便可吃的多點營養!

4 則留言:

  1. 你好棒耶!!! 好勤快做吐司!!! 我好久沒做了 你等小孩睡後才做 那幾點才做好呀??我最近真的是越來越懶.. 吃外面的麵包也吃的好膩.... 唉~

  2. Lynn,

    Thank you for your compliment, my schedule is probably more flexible than yours. You do such a good job of balancing work and taking care of the family!

    I often let the bread machine roll the dough first whenever I have time, I take them out when it is done, then I just throw them to the fridge. If I want to have the bread for the breakfast, I just go up a little earlier then roll the dough out let it raise a little bit about 20-40 minutes(I skip this or make it really short often) then throw it to the oven, bake for 45mins to 1 hr, then serve as the breakfast. For dinner, it is even easier, just do it 2 hours(roughly) before serving the dinner.

    Does Lukas like to eat bread as well??

    Happy to see you here!

  3. 歐~ 原來可以這樣子~ 麵團放在冰箱可以放多久呢? roll out dough之前需要把麵團放回室溫嗎? sorry, i got many questions~ =P lukas歐, 他沒有特別愛麵包.. 所以這也可能是我沒動力的原因之一...

  4. Lukasmama,
    Normally, I don't leave the dough in the fridge more than one full day, except I am too busy and no time for it yet. And I don't need to wait for the dough to turn back the degree, I just roll it directly!
    I see, usually, that is the case with me, too! :)
