2011年1月27日 星期四

Chocolate Lava Muffins

Chocolate Lava Muffins

懷念當時待產的我請爸媽再一次從台灣來幫忙。此外,便是每天跟女兒想做什麼就去做什麼。現在,她上學了我經常非常想她! 昨晚我陪她睡時,我問她:媽媽愛妳,妳愛媽媽嗎? 她有了很特別的回答。她說,我有愛媽咪。妳不要一直擔心,我都有愛妳呀。 她只有四歲嗎? (我心裡這樣想著) 我跟她道謝,她拍拍我在我臉頰上親親我她便睡覺了。 時間倒回十分鐘前給兒子吹頭髮時,我跟他說媽媽愛妳,你有沒有愛媽媽呢? 他從我懷裡飛走一邊說沒有~~正當我嘟嘴喃喃自語的問怎麼沒有呢的時候,感覺我雙腿給緊緊紮實的抱住,我低頭一看是兒子正對我一個甜甜的像一顆大紅蘋果的笑! 我抱起他給他親親時,他說:愛妳,媽,媽~~(兒子叫我的方式) 我欣慰又滿足的對他微微笑。他只有兩歲嗎? (我心裡這樣想著)
親愛的格友,妳呢? 令妳懷念的感動,也在妳心裡暖暖發光吧?! 不會把它忘了對吧?!

8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips
1 stick butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 eggs
Butter, to coat muffin tin
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1 cup vanilla ice cream
1 teaspoon espresso powder
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Place a small metal bowl over a saucepan with simmering water. Melt the chocolate and butter in the bowl. Stir in vanilla.
In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, flour and salt. Sift these into the chocolate and mix well with electric hand mixer. Add eggs one at time, fully incorporating each egg before adding the next. Beat at high until batter is creamy and lightens in color, approximately 4 minutes. Chill mixture.
Coat the top and each cup of the muffin tin with butter. Dust with the cocoa powder and shake out excess. Spoon mixture into pan using a 4-ounce scoop or ladle. Bake for 10 to 11 minutes. Outsides should be cake-like and centers should be gooey.
While muffins are in oven, melt the ice cream in a small saucepan. Stir in the espresso powder. Serve over warm muffins.

2 則留言:

  1. 呵呵~~有時小孩的一點小舉動或言語都能讓我們這做媽媽的感動和窩心
    上星期我正要到車 突然聽見後面有個小聲音告訴我: 媽媽~~小心~~ 我非常驚訝的問他說甚麼? 他則是再說一次: 小心! 當時的我真是百感交集 小baby好像長大了 會關心媽媽了 這句話可感動我好一陣子啊

  2. Indeed!
    Alice, sorry, I just saw your this message, it is 6 years delaying..
    How are you doing?
